TextArea helper in MVC3 Razor

  • Html.TextArea is the helper which renders a TextArea.
  • Helpers are not controls by itself, they simply generate html markup.

It has following overloads :

Overload 1 :

This overload accepts string name as a parameter. This name is use to set name and id attribute of the control.

Syntax :


UI :

Rendered HTML :

    <textarea cols="20" id="Textarea" name="Textarea" rows="2"></textarea>

The name parameter passed becomes the id and name attribute. The cols and rows attributes are set by default.

Overload 2 :

This overload accepts two parameter, name and htmlAttributes object.

Syntax :

     @Html.TextArea("Textarea", new { rows = "4",cols="30"})

We have passed rows and cols attribute as htmlAttributes object.

UI :

Rendered HTML :

    <textarea cols="30" id="Textarea" name="Textarea" rows="4"></textarea>

The rows and cols attribute are set to value as passed as attribute using htmlAttributes object.

Overload 3 :

This overload accepts two parameter, name and value parameter.

Syntax :

     @Html.TextArea("TextArea","This is TextArea")

The second parameter int the above code becomes the text of the TextArea.

UI :

Rendered HTML :

    <textarea cols="20" id="TextArea" name="TextArea" rows="2">
This is TextArea</textarea>

Overload 4 :

This overload accepts two parameters. The secondparameter is the IDictionary object of htmlAttributes.

Syntax :

     @Html.TextArea("TextArea", textarea)

We are creating a Dictionary object and passing it as parameter in above example. 

UI :

Rendered HTML :

    <textarea cols="25" id="TextArea" maxlength="10" name="TextArea" rows="3">

The attributes passed in Dictionary object are set as shown in above code.

Overload 5 :

This overload accepts 3 parameter. The name, value and htmlAttributes object.

Syntax :

     @Html.TextArea("TextArea", "This is TextArea", new { style = "color:Red;"})

UI :

Rendered HTML :

    <textarea cols="20" id="TextArea" name="TextArea" rows="2" style="color:Red;">
This is TextArea</textarea>

The style attribute color is set which is passed as htmlAttribute object.

Overload 6 :

This overload is similar to previous one, only difference being that this overload accepts IDictionary object of     
htmlAttributes in place of htmlAttributes object.

Syntax :

     @Html.TextArea("TextArea", "This is TextArea", textarea)

In this overload we are creating IDictionary object containing attributes to set and passed as parameter.

UI :

Rendered HTML :

    <textarea cols="25" id="TextArea" name="TextArea" rows="3" style="color:Red">
This is TextArea</textarea>

Overload 7 :

This overload accepts five parameters including rows and cols attribute as well accompanied by htmlAttributes object. 

Syntax :

     @Html.TextArea("TextArea", "This is TextArea", 3, 20, new { style = "color :Red;"})

UI :

Rendered HTML :

    <textarea cols="25" id="TextArea" name="TextArea" rows="3" style="color:Red">
This is TextArea</textarea>

Overload 8 :

This overload accepts the same number of parameters as previous one. This overload accepts IDictionary object instead of htmlAttributes object.

Syntax :

     @Html.TextArea("TextArea", "This is TextArea", 3, 20, textarea)

UI :

Rendered HTML :

    <textarea cols="20" id="TextArea" name="TextArea" rows="3" style="color:Red">
This is TextArea</textarea>

The attributes passed as Dictionary object has been set in above code.


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